erm finally dah tau kt ner my sis
dpt posting..
kt Johor..yeay..yeay..
[nsb baik xkena kt sabah cm kawan die]
seperti y ku suspect selama ini..
kerana mmg byk sgt kekosongan guru kt johor tue..
like my older sis told me..
jum sek MEN kt jhor = jum sek kt ganu
[if im not mistaken la]
ishk byk tue..
nnt entah2 ku pun tercampak kt sane next year...
bess jgk tue...
bleh ddk ngn my sis kt sane hehe..
[walaupun high maintenance nk hidup kt sane]V
bermastautin la 3 anak perempuan cikgu omar kat johor =P..
y sepatutny jadi 4 tapi sorg dh transfer ke subang dgn jaya ny..
wishin all d best to her..
i know she likes to teach alot..
n enjoy teachin very much..
hope i will enjoy it too..
have to wait next june to know for sure..
for my two month praktikum..
but im definetly like kids very much n_n..
hope i will fall deeply in love with TEACHIN..
it is easy to be a teacher
but not everyone is a natural born teacher
[hope im one of them =P]
tp klu dpt kt sabah or serawak bess jgk hehe
bess ke ek???
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